We believe that the church is
called to be a hospital, not just a fortress:
“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’” (Matthew 9:10-13, NIV)
Jesus is the doctor who can restore us to wholeness in relationship with God and others. The Church community can't save you; only God can. But God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is at work in and through His people, the Church--and the Church is called to point others to Him. So we don't want New Hope to be a fortress focused only on self-preservation; we want to be a hospital that leads people to the only One who can forgive and heal.
This means that the church is to be a community that celebrates new life. Like a hospital is a place of celebration at the births of babies, we
find that through faith in Jesus we enjoy new life and a reconciled relationship with God.
The church is also to be a place of healing. Like a hospital is a place at which sick people can become well, the church is a community of people who know they need the healing that is only found in Jesus. So we come to Him for physical healing, and also for relational healing--as God restores us to a flourishing relationship with Himself and one another. (Though this also ties into the previous point, as our relationship with God was not just bent, but broken, and we don't just need to be patched up, but need new life.)
The church is also a place of worship. Even more than the best surgeon receives praise, God alone restores us to wholeness, and He alone deserves all the praise. Only when we are centered on Him do we discover the life we were meant to live.
The church is also a place of equipping. Think of physical therapists in a hospital, pushing those in recovery to stretch and grow stronger, equipping them to be able to do more.
The church is also a place of battling. Like a hospital fights disease and infection, we are called to engage in war against the enemy and all forces of evil—with the presence and armor of God.
The church is also a place of serving. As we continue to experience Jesus’ healing work in us, we find that He also works through us to serve others—almost as if hospital patients were also equipped to serve as aides.
The church is also a place of sending. As we continue to follow Jesus, He also sends us out to invite others in. The church is like a hospital that actively goes out looking for those who—no more or less than each of us—need Jesus.
No matter where you are coming from or what you believe, we welcome you to join us as we come to know our Creator and God, through Jesus our Lord. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email.