Membership Info

Those who are interested in becoming members are asked to participate in a three-part class which discusses:

  • The basics of Christianity
  • The Reformed tradition
  • New Hope's history, vision and mission
  • spiritual gifts and involvement in the church. 

Church Members have the privilege of:

  • Voting in congregational meetings
  • Presenting children for baptism
  • Being eligible to be considered for ordained office (women and men for the role of deacon, and men for the role of elder according to our understanding of Scripture
  • Greater accountability in their lives and growth as a Christian.

Once the membership class has been completed, you are welcome to chose to join, (or not! - there is no obligation to join just because someone takes the class).  Should you decide to join, below is a copy of our membership covenant.

If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to email or call.

Membership Covenant

I have experienced the love and forgiveness of God offered through Jesus and I have committed myself to following Him as Savior and Lord. Being in agreement with the vision and mission of New Hope Church I now commit to unite with the New Hope Church family.[1] With the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us, I will endeavor… 2

  •   …to protect the unity of my church by acting in love toward other members, refusing to complain, find fault, or gossip and by following the leaders that God gives to this church.
  •  …to assist my church by praying for its growth, inviting others to attend, and welcoming those who visit.
  •  …to serve my church by discovering the gifts God has given me and using them to serve Him as He leads me.
  •  …to support my church by attending faithfully, giving regularly, cultivating Christ-centered relationships, and living a life of honesty and integrity with those inside and outside the church.
  •  …to be receptive to God’s grace by engaging in daily Bible reading and prayer.

[1] I have received Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as my Lord and Savior and am seeking to live a life that is pleasing to him. I believe that New Hope Church is the part of the “body of Christ” to which God is presently calling me to be connected. I sense that I am in agreement with its vision, values, and beliefs.

2 Definition of endeavor: to put forth effort to achieve a goal or goals.


Revised by Council, September 2023