Core Values

Deeply Held Beliefs About How We Do Ministry:

God Centered
We believe that New Hope Church exists because of and for God. In everything God is first and is to be honored. New Hope Church is a place where God is experienced in our weekly worship and in our daily living.

Bible Based
We believe that Biblical truth should be at the center of everything we teach and all that we do. This is God’s way of shaping our lives to become more like Christ.

Spiritual Development
We believe that as followers of Christ we must be involved in a life-long process of spiritual development that strengthens our relationship with Him.

Small Groups
We believe that authentic community and lasting life-changes happen best in a small group setting.

Shared Ministry
We believe that all members of New Hope Church have a ministry they must share for the good of the body of Christ and to the glory of God.

Compassionate Outreach
We believe that non-Christians matter to God. He wants them to receive His love and so do we.

Cultural Relevance
We believe that the church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure.

Servant Leadership
We believe that the church must be led by gifted, equipped and trained servant leaders.

Genuine Love
We believe that real, biblical love should be demonstrated in all our relationships, both inside and outside of the church.