L. Learning, I. Intercession, F. Fellowship, E. Evangelism
The LIFE. Groups Ministry exists to lead Christians and those who may not yet know Christ into maturing followers of Jesus Christ. At New Hope Church our desire is for every participant to be involved in a LIFE (small) group. Each LIFE group is structured to meet one or more of these purposes: Being Together (fellowship); Working Together (task oriented); Learning Together (study group); Caring Together (support group); or, a combination of all of them.
LIFE groups offer a place for each member to grow in spiritual maturity through Bible study and prayer, to encourage one another and to hold one another accountable. In a LIFE group close friendships develop, members share openly with one another and together they celebrate God's blessings.
You can explore the LIFE groups on the top navigation bar under the GROUPS tab.
L.I.F.E Ministries