Monthly Gatherings
We welcome all youth 12 and over (whether or not they attend New Hope at this time) to join us on the last Saturday of every month. We generally meet from 6:30 - 9pm at a member's house. Please contact for more details on specific gatherings. We would love to have you!
We begin by eating dinner together, then doing a lesson, and then playing games. In the past, we have studied how to approach cultural messages (such as in popular advertisements) from a biblical worldview, how to help a depressed friend, prayer, and the reasons for our faith. We also address topics that the youth have suggested, from a biblical perspective.
There are specific youth group leaders, but we also invite other adults in the church to be involved at times. The youth group is not its own church, but part of the whole congregation--alongside believers of all ages. We hope that it can be both a context for peer friendships, learning how to follow Christ as a junior high or high school student, but also that it can be a context for building relationships with older Christians in the church.
Sponsoring Maria (through Compassion International)
Youth Group